Dear all,
The editorial office of 5: Designing Media Ecology is glad to announce that the second Anthropocene seminar will be held in the evening of Tuesday June 27th. (The announcement of the first seminar with Professor Hidenori Watanave is here).
In the second seminar of the series, we will invite Professor Andrew Yang at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Professor Yang is a transdisciplinary artist and scholar who examines the interweaving ecology of the natural, cultural, and pedagogical. He was one of four editorial board members of the 6th issue of 5, which featured “The Anthropocene and Our Post-natural Future”, and former contributor for the Review “Learning”.
Osamu Sakura, also one of editorial board members of the 6th issue will be a discussant. Shin Mizukoshi, the editor will be a chair. You can find the details at the end of this text.
The editorial office of 5 will also sell all the issues of the little magazine except for the 1st issue.

Andrew Yang (left) and Osamu Sakura enjoyed talking in 2015
『5:Designing Media Ecology』は第7号を出版したばかりですが、第6号の特集テーマ「アンスロポセンの光と影:人類と自然の未来」にちなんだセミナー第二弾を、下記の要領で開催します。
1月の渡邉英徳さんらのお話に続き、今回は第6号編集委員でもあったアンドリュー・ヤンさん(シカゴ美術館附属美術大学准教授)をお招きし、「Anthropocene media aesthetics: relearning to relate」というテーマでお話をいただきます。本誌編集員である佐倉統が討論者、編集長の水越伸が司会を務めます。
Date: 18:00 to 20:00, Tuesday June 27, 2017
Venue: 1F Meeting Room, Fukutake Hall, Hongo Campus, Univ. of Tokyo
Speaker: Andrew Yang, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Title: Anthropocene media aesthetics: relearning to relate
Discussant: Osamu Sakura, Editorial Board of 5, University of Tokyo
Chair: Shin Mizukoshi, Editor of 5, University of Tokyo
Language: English
Note: Admission Free, RSVP is not needed.