Life Under COVID-19 – Part 1: The Beginning
Radio 5
The novel coronavirus outbreak that began in Wuhan, China in January 2020 became a pandemic in a matter of weeks. In April and May, as people stayed home to help contain the spread of the virus, Radio 5 interviewed people of different nationalities living in Japan, Hong Kong, Australia and the United States and heard how they were dealing with the situation.
In “Part 1: The Beginning”, interviewees share their personal accounts and observations on when they first felt the impact of the virus in their lives.

Part 1: The Beginning
2020年の1月に中国の武漢で発生した新型コロナウイルスは数週間でパンデミックとなり、世界中の誰もがなんらかの形で感染拡大の影響を受けることとなった。ステイホームが当たり前となった4月と5月に、Radio 5は香港、日本、オーストラリア、アメリカ合衆国に暮らす人々にそれぞれの日常の様子を語ってもらった。このLife Under COVID-19というシリーズではいくつかのキーワードのもとに彼・彼女たちの声をつなぐ。第1回目はこのウイルスの影響を初めて感じた時のことについて。
Interviewed and edited by Setsuko Kamiya